In the RiverTree family of churches, covenant partnership is the way we describe what it means for us to live out our common mission together as the family of God. Our covenant with Christ brings us into the family of God, and our partnership with one another is how we fulfill the commission of God together in every place we live, work, and play. Each church has its local expression of what it means to be “all in” and live as a disciple of Jesus on mission together.

Orchard Hill Church is a people sent to practice the way of Jesus together for the good of our communities.

As a covenant partner with Orchard Hill, I commit to living out this mission through weekly practicing our "BLESS" rhythm of life:

I will BLESS others with what I say (encouragement), what I do (service), and what I have (generosity)
I will LEARN JESUS through reading Scripture, prayer, and by intentionally living in community with other believers 
I will EAT WITH OTHERS in order to build deeper relationships with those around me 
I will SABBATH for the sake of rest, recovery, and refocusing my priorities on Jesus 
I will make my next STEP of FAITH and follow Jesus in real time

Our staff and leadership commit to contend for the people and mission of our church:

  • We will cultivate and contend for health, growth, and maturity in the people of our church
  • We will encourage and exhort the Body of Christ toward grace-fueled faithfulness in all things
  • We will empower and release people to use their spiritual gifts, passions, and story to join Jesus on mission everywhere every day

"I AGREE" will open a link to a short form for you to complete.
"QUESTIONS" will open an email to campus staff who will follow up with you.